Nurin Sofea Visit New Cousin.. Ahmad Dinie Harith Bin Ruslan
Ahmad Dinie Harith Bin Ruslan Bin Sardan… saja j ust to show this cute guy is Nurin Sofiya cousin. Harith is the youngest brother of 4. His sister is Nor Rabiatul Adawiyah, 2nd brother Ahmad Haikal Haziq and 3rd brother is Ahmad Adam Aiman. Harith's mother name is Normala Latif she "orang nogori" very good in "Masak Lomak Cili api"... yum...yum...yum... . They all live near "Nenek" hous e at Kg Bukit Changggang, Banting, Selangor. Harith born on 3rd March 2008 (i think so hehehehe). This picture taken on the polling day (Saturday 08.03.2008) where we all witn esses the change on Malaysian politic history. Next p ost Nurin will introduce another Nurin's cousin from mama brother. Bye for now.